Download this general map of Tibet
General map of Tibet

The blue map area is the area of the tibetan civilisation extention.
The green area is the limit of the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) that represents the Tibetan Province of the Popular Republic of China.
The tibetan area represents nearly a quarter of the China superficy and only 1/500 of its population. The traditional Tibetan Regions are from West to East =
Ngari - Tsang - Ü - Amdo and Kham.
Other regions are also knowned =
Changtang is the in the north-west, it is an area where nomads are living on 4000m highlands, without rivers flowing to the sea, but covered with numerous salted lakes.
- Ngoloks in the north-east where nomads rear horses and are knowned as dangerous brigands.
- Yarlung the seat of the first tibetan kingdoms.
- Lhodrak knowned as pretty region.
- Hor the mythic country of the fabulous King Gesar and which has supplied since long time Chinese armies with the best horses available.
- Mt Kailas and Mt Namche Barwa as Holy mountains.

Some more explanations : Today Tibet is part of the Popular Republic of China. It is named Xizang or Tibetan Automous Region and covers half of the Tibetan culture area. Here are the Chinese Provinces :

The 27 Chinese Provinces

We have to compare the TAR (27th Chinese Province) and the Tibetan culture area, which represents the part of China where the tibetan way of life, language and religion usages were predominant before 1959. This area represent nearly 24% of the whole China superficy and only 4 millions people compare with 1 250 000 Chinese population.

Tibet and China

The countries and Chinese provinces bordering Tibet are shown below :

The Tibetan Autonomous Region is shared into 7 parts : Lhasa Municipality and 6 Prefectures

Each Prefecture is shared in Counties. There are 73 counties in T.A.R.

Download the Tibet counties map
Download the Tibet counties map

Lhasa Municipality
Lhasa Municipality

County Map name Chinese name(pinyin) Tibetan(Wylie) postal code
Lhasa Lhasa lha-sa 850000
Lhundrup Lhünzhub lhun-grub 851600
Damshung Damxung 'dam-gzung 851500
Chusul Qüxü chu-shur 850600
Tolung Dechen Doilung dêqên stod-lung-bde-chen 851400
Medrogungkar Maizho kunggar mal-gro-gung-dkar 850200
Taktse Dagze stag-rtse 850100
Nyemo Nyêmo snye-mo 851300
Lhoka Prefecture
Lhoka prefecture

Counties map name Chinese name(pinyin) Tibetan(Wylie) postal code
Lhokha Shannan lho-kha 856000
Nedong Nêdong sne-gdong 856100
Zangri Sangri zangs-ri 856200
Chusum Qusum chu-gsum 856300
Gyatsa Gyaca rgya-tshva 856400
Lhuntse Lhünzê lhun-rtse 856600
Tsona Cona mtsho sna 856700
Tsome Comai mtsho-smad 856900
Lhodrag Lhozhag lho-brag 851200
Gongkar Konggar gong-dkar 850700
Dhranang Chanang gra-nang 850800
Chonggye Qonggyai 'phyons-rgyas 856800
Nakartse Nagarzê sna-dkar-rtse 851100

Chamdo Prefecture
Chamdo Prefecture

Counties map name Chinese name(pinyin) Tibetan(Wylie) postal code
Chamdo Qamdo cha-mdo 854000
Drayab Chagyab brag-g-yab 854300
Dzogang Zogang mdzo-sgang 854400
Lhorong Lhorong lho-rong 855400
Pelbar Banbar dpal-'bar 855500
Riwoche Riwoqê ri-bo-che 855600
Gonjo Konjo go-'jo 854200
Jomda Jomda mjo-mda' 854100
Markham Markam smar-khams 854500
Tengchen Dênqên steng-cheng 855700

Shigatse Prefecture
Shigatse Prefecture

Counties map name Chinese name(pinyin) Tibetan(Wylie) postal code
Shigatse Xigazê gzis-ka-rtse 875000
Panam Bainang pa-snam/rnam 857300
Droma Yadong dro-ma 857600
Gampa Kamba gam-pa 857700
Tingkye Dinggye mtsho sna 857900
Sakya Sa' gya sa-kya 857800
Ngamring Ngamring ngam-ring 858500
Tingri Tingri ding-ri 858200
Nyalam Nyalam gnya' lam 858300
Drongpa Zhongpa 'brong-pa 858800
Kyirong Gyirong skyid-grong 850000
Namling Namling rnam-gling 875100
Shetongmon Xaitongmoin bzhod-mthon-smon 858900
Rinpung Rinbung rin-spungs 857200
Gyantse Gyangzê rgyal-rtse 857400
Saga Saga sa-dga' 858600
Khangmar Kangmar khang-dmar 857500
Lhartse Lhazê lha-rtse 858100

Nakchu Prefecture
Nakchu Prefecture

Counties map name Chinese name(pinyin) Tibetan(Wylie) postal code
Nakchu Nagqu nag-chu 852000
Nyenrong Ngainrong snyan-rong 853500
Sog Sog sog Dz 852200
Lhari Lhari lha-ri 852400
Shentsa Xainza shan-rtsa 853100
Palgon Bangoin dpal-mgon 852500
Amdo Amdo a-mdo 853400
Drachen Baqên sbra-chen 852100
Driru Biru 'bri-ru 852300
Tsonyi Shuanghu mtsho-gnyis 853300

Ngari Prefecture
Ngari Prefecture

Counties map name Chinese name(pinyin) Tibetan(Wylie) postal code
Ngari Ngari mna-ris 859000
Ruthog Rutog ru-thog 859700
Gergye Gêgyai dge-rgyas 859100
Gertse Gêrze sger-rtse 859200
Burang Burang spu-hreng 859500
Tsochen Coqên mtsho-chen 859300
Gar Gar sgar 859400
Tsamda Zamda rtsa-mda' 859600

Nyingtri Prefecture
Nyingtri Prefecture

Counties map name Chinese name(pinyin) Tibetan(Wylie) postal code
Nyingtri Nyingchi nying-khri 850400
Kongpo Gyamda Gongbo' Gyamda kong-po-rgya-mda 850300
Pome Bomê spo-mes 855200
Nang Namshan snang-dz 856500
Menling Mainling sman-gling 850500
Metog Mêdog me-tog 855300
Dzayul Zayü rdza-yul 855100

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